Mar-13-2022 Learning by doing and getting involved - P K Garg MD Get involved
Mar-13-2022 Unbelievable benefits of our proposed activities- P K Garg MD Let us just do it
Mar-12-2022 बीमारी में भगवान भरोसे- P K Garg MD Do some thing
Mar-10-2022 Activism in healthcare I P K Garg MD I Swasthya Sevak Sangh I Swasthya Sankalp Activism
Mar-09-2022 Test to Treat- a thought in relation of system in Bharat. P K Garg MD Lessening hassle and delays
Mar-09-2022 Self care should be a priority - P K Garg MD you are the top priority for healthcare
Mar-09-2022 Information about medically related issues: P K Garg MD Where we will find absolutely right advise in healthcare ?
Mar-08-2022 Core activities of members of Seva Sankalp - P K Garg Basic and fundamental activities in the beginning.
Mar-08-2022 Your main contribution is your time to learn and use skills but if you contribute financially than what we do with your donation ? Financial Donation - How we plan to utilize
Mar-08-2022 the benefits of quiting smoking Immediate benifits
Mar-08-2022 मेडिकल इंफॉर्मेशन से एक छोटा सा कार्ड भरने से इतना बड़ा कार्य कैसे खड़ा होगा ? Doubt
Mar-07-2022 सेवा संकल्प क्या है एवं क्यों आवश्यक है ? P K Garg MD What and why ?
Mar-07-2022 अनिवार्य एवं अतिरिक्त कौशल : P K Garg MD Mandatory and additional Activities
Jan-26-2022 Medical care by the people for the people स्वास्थ्य सेवक संघ / Swasthya Sevak Sangh
Jul-16-2020 Developing Systems in Medical Care Dr Purushottam Kumar Garg
Jul-05-2020 Patient education and outcome of care Dr Purushottam Kumar Garg
Jun-25-2020 Emergency Medical Services in India By - Dr Purushottam Kumar Garg
Jun-18-2020 भारत में मेडिकल रिकार्ड्स की आवश्यकता / Importance of Medical Records in India डॉ पुरुषोत्तम कुमार गर्ग / Dr. Purshottam Kumar Garg
Jun-17-2020 दिल्ली अस्पताल में कोरोना रोगियों की देखभाल के बारे में चर्चा. Discussion around care of Corona patients in Delhi Hospital डॉ पुरुषोत्तम कुमार गर्ग
Seva Sena
Seva Skin
Seva Connect
Medical Triage
Medical Record
Medical Assistant
MBBS Association