Date: Mar-08-2022
Core activities of members of Seva Sankalp :
Help you learn to keep medical records of yourself and your family in simple, always ready to use formate
.(20 min)
Help you learn to take and record vital signs Pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate , temperature , pulse ox.(30min) Interested persons will be given additional training in other useful skills like monitoring a patient, basic lab understanding, Intravenous access,Intramuscular injections, being a coordinator, Electronic medical records, basic knowledge and emergency management
of particular diseases that their family suffers from.
Help you learning by perpetual medical activity and possibly seva so that a skills and habit of care is developed in maximum people.
Once you are skilled, you can provide care to your family and friends with our help and support.
Next plans;
To make develop a union of dedicated people to address host of other issues:
a: free second opinion by volunteer consultation
b:being your guide and advocate to the hospital, doctors , labs
c: develop 100s of other volunteer groups as needed, in medical field to support in care at time of need and specifically deal with emerging issue for our members and society.
Whole mechanism is summarized : First you learn from us and then you teach others.